A Lot On The Plate

Right now is a particularly busy time for us (behind the scenes). At the moment we’re juggling two projects, which has proved to be a task. The mixing/mastering portion of our new EP is at its last lap, and we’re also working on refining some new songs for the future.I’m proud to say that working on new stuff has taken up the majority of our creative time. Its really exciting to be this busy in a musical sense. Its so easy to get overwhelmed with stuff like promotion, and all the little things that add up to a lot. If the fates allow, we’ll be putting up some music soon for all of you. Since we got such a positive response on the free download of “I’m Not The King of Anything”, I’ve definitely seen the need to keep you all supplied with a steady stream of music.

And now for my shout out: Take a listen to The Downer Party. Zen from Please Do Not Fight mentioned them to me, and I took a listen. Fun Fun Fun.


We love you all.really.
